Elephant Ears

This blog is dedicated to the political happenings in the Valley and Southwest Virginia. As the the name implies, this blog will have posts based on what is heard by this elephant's (GOPer's) ears. It is also a great treat to get while at the county fair or a carnival.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Budget Battle Looms

I am back from spring break, just in time for the Budget Battle of 2006.

Governor Kaine has set March 27th as the start date for the special session on the budget. Some of the people I have talked to seem to think the House GOP will stand stronger and are more unified than in 2004, thereby making the session last a bit longer than before. I have also heard that some in the Senate have problems with the Senate tax plan, largely centering around the gas tax proposal that involves rebating the tax to consumers (which in essence would raise no revenue if everyone got their rebate).

I personally believe that 2 of the 3 sides (House, Senate, Governor) will agree on a plan and therefore will be able to force the third to do what they want; much like in 2004. Based upon that belief, I think either the Senate and Governor will force the House to raise taxes or the House and Senate will agree on a tax plan they can force Kaine to sign. My next 2 posts will set up first the House vote for a tax increase and show who I think the most likely supporters will be. Next will be scenario 2, a House and Senate agreement on not raising taxes and who the most likely Senate voters for not raising taxes would be (in order to get it passed).

It looks like we could be in for another wild ride.


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