Elephant Ears

This blog is dedicated to the political happenings in the Valley and Southwest Virginia. As the the name implies, this blog will have posts based on what is heard by this elephant's (GOPer's) ears. It is also a great treat to get while at the county fair or a carnival.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Harry Reid Projections

According to the Las Vegas Sun, Harry Reid is predicting a 5 seat gain for the Senate democrats this year. He says they will defeat Chafee, Santorum, DeWine, Talent and Burns.

He then said they were focusing on the races in AZ and TN and now are focusing on the Virginia race as well.

So Harry, when are you going to start sending your buddy Jim Webb some cash?
Also, its good to see that while all the dems were supporting him in the primary they still didn't think he had a chance.


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