Elephant Ears

This blog is dedicated to the political happenings in the Valley and Southwest Virginia. As the the name implies, this blog will have posts based on what is heard by this elephant's (GOPer's) ears. It is also a great treat to get while at the county fair or a carnival.

Friday, October 14, 2005

NRA Ratings

Jerry Kilgore - A
Tim Kaine - F

LT. Governor
Bill Bolling - A
Leslie Byrne - F

Attorney General
Creigh Deeds - A
Bob McDonnell - B+

6th District
Annie Crockett-Stark - A
Benny Keister - B

20th District
Chris Saxman - A
Bruce Elder - C

26th District
Matt Lohr - A
Lowell Fulk - B

I will list any others that people would like to know. Just post what race(s) you want.


  • At 10/14/2005 4:30 PM, Blogger GOPHokie said…

    58th District
    Rob Bell - A (endorsed)
    Steve Koleszar - ? (did not answer survey)

  • At 10/14/2005 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i thought Fulk got an A-, what's with the B?

  • At 10/14/2005 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    it's gotta be _______ Annie B.
    damn, she must be a gun totin mamma.

  • At 10/14/2005 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What about the candidates in the 24th?

  • At 10/15/2005 8:58 AM, Blogger GOPHokie said…

    24th District
    Ben Cline - A+ (endorsed)
    David Cox - B+

    Republitarian said Fulk got an A-.
    My ratings are directly from the NRA mailer, so I know these are correct.

  • At 10/15/2005 10:39 AM, Blogger GOPHokie said…

    New info claims that Fulk is in the process of getting his rating changed to A-.
    I don't know the status of that or what the reason for the change is, but thats what I hear.

  • At 10/16/2005 7:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I wonder how much time that is taking, because wasn't Fulk booked solid from now till election day, disallowing him from attending a VFF Forum? Guess he found time to worry about his grade from an organization that did not even endorse him. Funny how that works.

  • At 10/16/2005 9:05 AM, Blogger GOPHokie said…

    Well we know his priorities, and family values is not one of his.

  • At 10/17/2005 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    for those of you who think these endorsements are important, how many plan to vote for Deeds for AG. Come on, put your money where you mouth is.

  • At 10/17/2005 12:57 PM, Blogger GOPHokie said…

    They make a difference to indys.
    Thats about it.
    Also, there is a big difference btw 2 people who both have good ratings, and races where one candidate has a much better rating than the other (i.e. Kilgore-Kaine or Bolling-Byrne).

  • At 10/17/2005 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    GOP Hokie,

    You went to school with Fulk's daughter. You say family values aren't his priorities. What do you know? You are in perhaps the best position to make an opinion. What have you witnessed as her peer at school to make you say this???? What are you saying Brandon Driver? Stop with the inuendo and sideways slurs........ I look forward to forwarding your response to BHS..... Tell us what an evil man Fulk is..........

  • At 10/18/2005 12:18 AM, Blogger GOPHokie said…

    Where did I say Lowell Fulk was an evil man. As a matter of fact, I have said I dont think he is evil.
    By the way, if family values are a priority for Mr. Fulk, where is it on his site?
    That is one of the cornerstones of issues on Matt's site. Its no where to be found on Lowell's.
    Thanks for letting me know who I am finally by the way.


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