Early Voting
I have heard early voting in Roanoke indicates presidential year turnout.
What is everyone hearing around the state on early voting?
What is everyone hearing around the state on early voting?
This blog is dedicated to the political happenings in the Valley and Southwest Virginia. As the the name implies, this blog will have posts based on what is heard by this elephant's (GOPer's) ears. It is also a great treat to get while at the county fair or a carnival.
At 11/02/2006 2:30 PM,
Rick Sincere said…
Technically, we do not have "early voting" in Virginia.
We do have "absentee voting," which is restricted to people who will be out of town on election day or who cannot come to a polling station on election day for reasons or health, or because their job and/or commute times prevent them from voting in person.
That said, absentee voting, so far, in Charlottesville is more than double it was during the last mid-term congressional elections(2002). This would indicate a turnout of around 50 percent overall, instead of a typical mid-term turnout of 40 percent.
At 11/02/2006 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a stupid comment Rick. Technically, you're a jackass. Absentee voting is still early voting is it not? Does the word "early" allow exclusions for more specific criteria? If you vote absentee, you vote before Election Day, hence, you vote early.
At 11/03/2006 12:59 AM,
GOPHokie said…
anon did we really need that crap?
Thanks for the update Rick.
At 11/03/2006 3:14 AM,
Rick Sincere said…
"Early voting" is a term with a specific meaning in election law.
In some states, there are separate, specially-designated polling places where "early voting" occurs. Sometimes these polling places are in well-traveled shopping malls or at city hall or a county office building.
"Early voting" does not require a reason nor does it require a voter to fill out a form requesting permission to vote outside his/her home precinct on a day preceding Election Day.
"Absentee voting" requires a reason (or excuse) and is usually done by mail (on paper) or, if it is done in person, in only one designated location. In Virginia, that location is always the Office of Voter Registration.
There have been bills introduced in the General Assembly on several occasions over the past few sessions that would permit "no-excuse" absentee voting in Virginia -- the equivalent of early voting, but somewhat more circumscribed -- but those bills have all died in the Privileges and Elections Committee.
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