Elephant Ears

This blog is dedicated to the political happenings in the Valley and Southwest Virginia. As the the name implies, this blog will have posts based on what is heard by this elephant's (GOPer's) ears. It is also a great treat to get while at the county fair or a carnival.

Friday, November 03, 2006


As we are only 4 days until the election, I am just letting you folks know I am working on a couple of things for predicting the elections this year. I think we are going to be able to project the House majority from our friend Thelma Drake's race. I also think that the Allen race will be able to be predicted pretty early based on a couple of factors. I will hopefully have them Sunday or Monday.

Now this weekend all I want is the Hokies to beat the Hurricanes.


  • At 11/03/2006 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh I don't agree at all. I think Drake could win and Dems still pick up 20-30 seats.

  • At 11/03/2006 1:29 PM, Blogger GOPHokie said…

    I dont mean a Drake win automatically means we keep the House.
    It will be using the margin to projection the House.

  • At 11/03/2006 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ah. Interesting. My bellweather measure is based on the Connecticut races. This is, of course, not a precise measure but I think it's a good general measure of the size of the wave:

    If Dems pick up 0 CT seats- they will pick up <15 seats nationally

    If Dems pick up 1 CT seat- they will pick up 15-25 seats nationally

    If Dems pick up 2 CT seats- they will pick up 25-35 seats nationally

    If Dems pick up all 3 CT seats- they will pick up >35 seats nationally


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