State of the Race in the 22nd
Since it appears a good portion of you folks are interested in the 22nd Senate race, so we will start off Post-Labor Day election coverage with this.
I don't really know of anything pressing in this race right now. Everything appears to be going well for Smith and he still seems to be the frontrunner.
As I have pointed out before, the only major concern I saw going into this race was that a dem could sneak up on the GOP nominee, because there are no other major constitutional races or delegate races that are very competitive down ticket from this race. If turnout is super low, the dems have a chance here.
Also, it appears there has been a smooth transition from the Bell supporters; so that is one area that a potential problem has been averted.
Otherwise, I think Ralph should be fine.
What are you all hearing?
I don't really know of anything pressing in this race right now. Everything appears to be going well for Smith and he still seems to be the frontrunner.
As I have pointed out before, the only major concern I saw going into this race was that a dem could sneak up on the GOP nominee, because there are no other major constitutional races or delegate races that are very competitive down ticket from this race. If turnout is super low, the dems have a chance here.
Also, it appears there has been a smooth transition from the Bell supporters; so that is one area that a potential problem has been averted.
Otherwise, I think Ralph should be fine.
What are you all hearing?
At 9/14/2007 6:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Hokie--great to have you back on the blog.
From my perspective, I see the 22nd senate race about like you do. Smith is out working door-to-door and public forums. However, from some of my "D" acquaintances, I hear they are pretty "ticked" at their candidate for not getting out and doing his part in the campaign.
All that said, there's still time for some interesting developments. I agree with you, unless Ralph does something really dumb, he will likely (and hopefully) be our next state senator.
At 9/14/2007 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
GOP Hokie,
I heard that a top business group in Richmond gave Ralph Smith the lowest rating ever received by a Republican.
And Smith is supposed to be "pro-business". Do you think this could make the race more competitive?
At 9/14/2007 7:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
While I don't know the basis for the rating to which you refer, all one need do is to look at Smith's "real world" record for being a success in businesses and meeting payrolls. Then, look at his record for being consistently conservative and walking the conservative talk. Next, look at his record and commitment to holding the line on taxes. Those points make him a clear pick over any Democrat. Don't you think so?
At 9/14/2007 9:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anyone hated by the Roanoke Times as much as Ralph Smith is is my kinda guy!
At 9/16/2007 1:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
The real truth of the 22nd race is that Breiner has been AWOL for the most part. At the local fall festival in Christiansburg Breiner was a no-show.
Ralph Smith was working the crowd good, introducing himself with the line, Hi, I want to be your next Senator.
Breiner has told several people that he is not really a Democrat.
At 9/17/2007 2:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
I heard Breiner has a poll that has him within the margin of error of Smith, like two or three points down. I heard the back and forth on Mike, but this could be a sleeper race. Still think Ralph pulls it out, but much closer than the insiders expected.
At 9/18/2007 2:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm sort of curious to hear your feedback on Annie B. Crockett-Stark's race against Bill Thomas. Without Kilgore coattails, I'll be curious to see how she fares.
At 9/18/2007 2:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
WOW. If that polling is true, we could be in for a surprise!
Smith should have fairly high name ID after serving as Roanoke City Mayor and running in the primary. Breiner is basically unknown, except for a few signs around town. For him to be within the margin of error is amazing.
At 9/18/2007 8:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Financial reports are out today! Who is this guy from Mississippi giving $25,000 to Breiner?
At 9/19/2007 10:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know if Chris Sloan is still working for Smith? He disappeared from the July-August spending reports.
At 9/19/2007 8:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Check out Breiner's waffling on being "pro-life" in today's Roanoke Times. He is now spouting the new Democrat line, "I am personally pro-life, BUT..." (gag me with a spoon).
At 9/19/2007 8:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Check out VA Oddsmaker's comments on this senate race:
At 9/20/2007 6:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
VA Oddsmaker is a joke. I wouldn't bet my money on this guy's predictions! This site should be called VA Wishful Thinking.
Check out most any other blog and you will see a completely different story.
At 9/20/2007 7:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Which ones?
At 9/21/2007 7:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
I recently saw that Ralph's opponent has concocted a "Health Plan" because he, as a physician, knows best what we need. Didn't Hillary also propose exactly what we NEEDED?
What is really interesting is that Breiner only recently put his actions where his words were and joined "Project Access" to help those in need who cannot afford healthcare. Isn't it great that wannabe politicians "get religion" only during an election period?
At 9/21/2007 3:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is Hillary a doctor?
At 9/21/2007 6:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
No, she's a DEMOCRAT, just like you!
At 9/21/2007 9:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
If Briener can get within 20 points he will be doing good. No one knows who he is.
At 9/26/2007 8:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why do you think a physician would want to leave his wife, his small children AND his medical practice for two months every year to serve in Richmond? ...And for a paltry salary of $18,000!
I just don't get it.
At 9/27/2007 8:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
I guess the money doesn't matter. Sometimes the call to public service can be strong.
I am glad working professionals are willing to run. They have a different perspective from retired folks.
At 9/27/2007 7:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
You are indeed a piece of work! Now you don't like retired folks.
I guess that's why Dr. B doesn't accept their insurance--REAL COMPASSION.
At 9/28/2007 10:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
I love retired people! What's not to like? I was just saying that working people and retired people have a different perspective. Do you disagree?
I think it's absurd and ridiculous to attack a candidate because he works for a living. I guess Ralph has that luxury since he is a retired multi-millionaire. If only we could all be so fortunate as to have the time and money to buy a Senate seat. Hmmmm. Is buying political power what big Ralph means by "living the American Dream"?
At 9/28/2007 8:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Someone like you, with their head stuck so far into the Demo sand, wouldn't know what it's like to work for 40+ years so one can retire.
Don't worry, the government will take care you, especially since you don't value personal initiative and personal responsibility.
At 9/29/2007 10:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
what is "demo sand"?
At 9/30/2007 10:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
I thought you were supposedly educated. Demo with a capital "D" is short for Democrat. The head in the sand is a reference to a commonly used metaphor where an ostrich sticks its head in the sand to escape reality.
Were you born in Rio Linda?
At 10/01/2007 7:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't recall "demo sand" from school. I must have missed it. Maybe I was sick that day.
At 10/03/2007 9:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Breiner is up on network TV. Saw the first ad tonight, during primetime.
At 10/04/2007 4:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 10/05/2007 6:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
"Yawn"? What a shame. Ralph is going to let this one slip away.
At 10/05/2007 7:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ralph Smith did not get where he is today by being careless.
At 10/05/2007 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Democrats bought $250,000 of network time to try and lift up the Breiner campaign.
What I want to know is if Breiner is a plastic surgeon, how was he able to save this man's life? Did he perform an emergency nose job?
It would have been much more appealing to have a buxom young woman on the television saying that Dr. Breiner saved her marriage or her social life by giving her a boob job.
At 10/08/2007 1:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ghost---Are you calling the man in the ad a liar? You may not think much of Democrats, but they are not stupid enough to put a lie like that on TV.
At 10/08/2007 3:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bill Clinton, then leader of the D party, was stupid enough to say, "I never had sexual relations with that woman" and expected us to believe it. Why not now?
At 10/08/2007 3:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Go ahead and advise Ralph to call him a liar. We'll see what happens. But you and I both know Ralph won't do it so I guess there is no point in talking about this anymore!
At 10/08/2007 5:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did anyone catch Ralph calling himself Mark Warner? I have heard his say that he likes Doug Wilder. Can anyone say flip-flopper?
At 10/08/2007 8:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just one question...How DOES a plastic surgeon save the life of a cancer patient?
Breiner is the laughing stock of half of the Roanoke Valley with this ad. The ad says nothing about what he will do for us in the senate or what he stands for. Come on Mike, surely you can do better than this!
At 10/08/2007 8:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Laughing stock of the valley, eh? All I hear is Dr. Breiner this and Dr. Breiner that. But you know what? I don't hear anything about whoever that is he is running against. Oh, except that he likes Doug Wilder and he thinks that he is Mark Warner. But Ralph's not Mark Warner, is he? He's not even John Warner.
By the way, Dr. Breiner took melanoma off Coach Willis. Go ahead, keep attacking a cancer patient.
At 10/08/2007 8:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the clarification that Dr. Breiner took a "melanoma off Coach Willis." That's fine, that is what a doctor is suppose to do.
But as was mentioned previously what does that have to do with being a state senator.
But Dr. Breiner still has some explaining to do. He said in one public forum that he was "an old timey Southern Democrat." Whatever that is suppose to mean? Heck some of the people in the audience -- white and black -- wondered if he was talking about getting out the sheets.
Mike Breiner seems a nice enough guy but he seems clueless as to what is going on in Southwest Virginia.
At 10/08/2007 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clueless? You mean 'ole Millionaire Mayor who decended from Mill Mountain two years ago to run for Lacy Putney's seat, has a clue? Tell me: Why does Ralph Smith campaign as Mark Warner or DOUG WILDER?
Answer: Because people like Mark Warner and they don't like Ralph Smith.
At 10/09/2007 5:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
In this morning's Roanoke Times I saw the guy who appeared in Breiner's TV ad now appearing in an ad for Pinkerton Chevrolet. Perhaps being an advertising model is a lucrative profession.
Who knows, maybe after getting plastic surgery work done on my face and other body parts (performed by Dr. B. of course), and if I did really well on camera, I could even live in a big house in Autumn Park like your millionaire candidate, Dr. Breiner.
At 10/09/2007 6:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
You attack the Doctor on his practice but what about Smith. He ran his business into the ground and eventually closed it, sold the land and auctioned off the equipment. He repeatedly violated virginia DEQ regulations by poluting the air and was cited and fined several times. This was easy to find--just google Ralph Smith, Inc. Man, smith is a big joke.
At 10/09/2007 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
That's funny. You read the advertisments and stare at the male models? If you are so sure, contact the paper and tell them. Don't you worry about the libel suit from the real Salem residents that stand up for Dr. Breiner.
If you actually read the paper than you saw that scathing editoreal about Ralph Smith being confused as to who he is more like. The paper settled it for him: Neither.
If you read the paper, than you probably saw that the VA GOP was down here yesterday and declined to speak about, for or with Ralph, even though they were here specifically to help senate candidates. I guess the GOP has given up on RAlph. It is not looking very good for the old man from Mill Mountain.
At 10/09/2007 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ghost--you seem to know what's going on in SW Virginia. I am just curious if you are from around here?
At 10/09/2007 6:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Anon. 9:55 a.m.
I'm trying really hard to decide whether you're just a LIAR or maybe just NUTS! You've been reading the Roanoke Times too long. Take a look at the pictures from yesterday's meeting with GOP leadership on Ralph's website.
They show a very different picture from the lies you're trying to spread. But what else should we expect from the party that gave us Bill and Hillary, along with John "Flip-Flop" Kerry. Perhaps you should start your own propaganda site: MOVE-ON.LIES.
At 10/09/2007 6:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hahaha! You sound so angry. Don't worry. You're right. But when I posted this morning you hadn't put the pics up on your bosses website yet, and the Roanoke Times failed to mention Ralph, as did all the other news outlets. Maybe that's because the other Republicans were avoiding Ralph like the plague.
Either way, I wouldn't feel very confident if I were you. Come November, that LA job that Ralph promoised you will be a distant dream. You can't call everyone that doesn't liek Ralph a democrat. Or else, it will be only you and Ralph and Ralph will lose, 100,00 to 2.
We hurt ourselves by voting out Bell.
At 10/09/2007 7:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
I checked out the pictures of the GOP press conference on Monday. Hey, what is it with Ralph's neck. He doesn't have one! Did he not take it with him when he shut down his business and laid off all his employees?
At 10/09/2007 8:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did the man in Breiner's campaign ad really appear in a car ad, too?
At 10/10/2007 6:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Blogger with posting at 7:54 PM:
Why are you focusing on Ralph's neck, when you should be apologizing for your misstatements in your previous post about the GOP's support for Smith?
Jack Nicholson was right when he said, "You can't handle the truth!"
At 10/10/2007 9:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anom 6:26pm - Amen! If Bell was the nominee, we wouldn't be having this discussion. The Dems would have avoided this race and it would be a safe bet for the GOP.
Now, thanks to Ralphie Pooh we've got a fight on our hands. And because of this race we just might loose control of the Senate AND redistricting in 2011.
After running Roanoke City into the ground, the former Mayor has now set his sights on the Senate majority. Ralph is just the gift that keeps on giving. THANKS A LOT RALPH!!!!!
At 10/10/2007 9:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
After Roanoke, I am not even sure that I want Ralph Smith representing me. He was terrible as mayor and I think that he will end up costing the republicans the majority, anyway. Either he losses to Breiner or he becomes the new George Bush for democrats in VA. He is so bad that I think he hurts if he wins or does not.
At 10/10/2007 9:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good take on the race Anom 9:30. But not good news for Republicans.
At 10/10/2007 10:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
You're talking to yourself, again.
At 10/10/2007 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
It seems to be going around.
At 10/10/2007 10:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Instead of the traditional candidates debate, why doesn't a local elementary school sponsor a candidate spelling bee? We can prohibit medical terminology so as not to give the good Doctor an unfair advantage. And we should probably also prohibit garage and gas station terms. We can't expect Breiner to compete with his gas pumpin', car fixin' opponent in that area.
At 10/10/2007 5:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
This thread has degenerated into a disgusting morass. I cannot believe someone finds entertainment by posting empty witless taunts on a local blog. Poor you.
People who state "I wish..." relative to politics have trouble with real-world relationships and interactions. Again, poor you.
I happen to be friends with a former employee of Ralph Smith's, and the fact of record is that Mr. Smith helped each and every employee who wanted to continue to work find a new job in a similar industry or in local businesses with which Ralph Smith Inc had had dealings over the years. Several of these employees had worked for RSI for many years, and local companies were eager to hire such loyal workers. Even a temporary employee hired to help close the 40 plus year old business found full time work thru Mr. Smith's contacts and recommendations.
I look forward to reading local blogs and the comments when those comments are thoughtful, based in reality, and have a point. I thank GOPHokie for providing an interesting forum and hope he can regain control here and move this blog on to a more rational, factual debate.
At 10/11/2007 6:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
So then, I vote red, you admit Mr. Smith is lying when he tells everyone that he sold his business and retired? Selling a business means selling a profit making ongoing concern. Tell your boss Mr. Con-Man Smith thanks in advance for the clarification.
At 10/11/2007 9:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
I knew it! Smith isn't being honest about his business dealings. I too have met former employees of Mr. Smith and their take on things is a bit different.
It's clear that "i vote red" is either Mr. Smith himself or a campaign staffer. You kind of outed yourself with the level of detail on that post. Poor you!
At 10/11/2007 12:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
There you go again Ralph. In today's paper you again claimed that you had no control over something that happened in Roanoke City while you were Mayor. Today it was decreased funding for first responders. During the Republican Primary you claimed to have no control over the school system and property tax rates.
You have constantly touted your term as Roanoke's Mayor as a reason people should vote for you. Then you keep telling us everything was out of your control. Well, we've spent a lot of time talking about what you didn't do. Mr. Smith, what exactly did you do as Mayor?
At 10/11/2007 9:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
What are your latest poll results, Mike?
At 10/12/2007 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ralph Smith makes us look like we don't stand for anything. I have seen him several times now and every time Ralph speaks he fails to articulate a clear message. Why should I vote for him?
I know that we are republicans but is that enough? Shouldn't our candidates actually stand for something? I am a little unnerved by Ralph's constant references to Doug Wilder and Mark Warner. Who is he trying to reach?
At 10/13/2007 4:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Chairman, why don't you stop this harranging and get to REAL issues instead of mudslinging? The people deserve better.
At 10/16/2007 5:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mike Breiner out raised Ralph Smith, again! What is he doing! I got a mail piece that said Ralph cut health care. I haven't gotten anything from Ralph! I haven't seen anything from Ralph. Why isn't he doing anything?
At 10/16/2007 8:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Smith's opposition in the primary out raised him 4 to 1--enough said!
At 10/17/2007 7:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ok. If it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me. Ralph is going to win!
At 10/17/2007 12:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
I second that!
At 10/18/2007 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can't believe Ralph is actually proud of the fact that what was an unknown Democratic challenger is out raising, out spending and out campaigning him. Ralph is doing nothing and is going to give this seat away to the Democrats. He should be ashamed of himself!
At 10/18/2007 5:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
You're at least right about the UNKNOWN.
At 10/18/2007 9:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
I got a piece of mail from the Breiner campaign that said Ralph Smith cut health care for seniors. Is that true?
At 10/18/2007 9:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did anyone see the news tonight? It looked like Ralph was getting yelled at by people.
At 10/18/2007 9:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ralph looks like a politician here. I am a little worried that he is not up to the task.
At 10/19/2007 6:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, I got that mail piece, too--as a matter of fact--two of them. Looks like the fat-cats in Richmond already have their hooks in Breiner and that he's falling in line with their ultra liberal agenda. Breiner is no more than a puppet with the Virginia Democratic Party (VDP) pulling the strings. Close scrutiny of the pieces will reveal that all were paid for by the VDP and mailed from their offices on Franklin St. in Richmond. What does that say about "What does Southwest Virginia stand for?" We don't stand for Richmond calling the shots.
At 10/19/2007 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
I heard Ralph had a press conference today to blast Breiner's negative lies and slander. Ralph Smith is clearly the better candidate. Breiner should apologize and drop out. He is a liar and Ralph is a truth-teller.
At 10/19/2007 5:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
I saw Ralph's negative ad tonight. He looks like a hypocrite. Ralph Smith the flip-flopping, Doug Wilder/Mark Warner wanna be. Anyone remember Ralph's mailer about Dr. Jeykle and Mr. Hyde, against Brandon Bell. "Hello, Pot. My name is kettle."
At 10/20/2007 4:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
You must have been smoking too much pot!
Smith clearly has taken the positive path and the voters of SWVA will show you so!
Your man asks the question--"What does Southwest Virginia Stand For?" It certainly doesn't stand for the lies and willful misstatements being espoused by Breiner. What a disgrace he is. His campaign is pathetic.
At 10/20/2007 5:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
I guess you haven't seen Smith's ads? You should watch them. Not only are they poor quality, but they are real lies. You should research your candiadte better. On channel 7, they showed the cut on the city budget at 37.6%.
And, what's worse, his little press conference got Breiner's ad and mail piece on tv, giving both greater exposure. Who ever is managing the Smith campaign should be fired! You never take a mail piece and put it on tv.
At 10/20/2007 8:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
The public will decide which campaign is right and just. Breiner and his cronies have well-established themselves as the ones who will stoop to ANY level to try to win an election.
However, you should be thankful Ralph Smith is running. Otherwise you would have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to say to the voters--No platform, no experience, no ideas--just vitriol.
Trust me, you're gonna be in for a big surprise when the voters render their judgment. That's when we'll see what SWVA stands for!
PS On the channel 7 piece, they said, in closing, that Smith and the rest of Council had "little" chance for input into that line item since it was a "local match for state expenditures". See, you guys are STILL MISREPRESENTING THE TRUTH.
At 10/20/2007 9:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mike Breiner is your fault. Brandon Bell should still be senator and Breiner would have no chance. But Ralph is going to lose to a democrat. Why is he telling everyone to look at his record? Doesn't he know that he was one of the most hated mayors in Roanoke history. Surely he must know why he didn't run for reelection? If he did such a great job, why did he not seek another term?
Your zealotry turns off moderate, right voters. And your pandering in public turns off everyone else. The voters will decide. Ralph Smith will cost us the majority. Do a better job of not publisizing his poor record. I support republicans but even I know that Ralph Smith was bad mayor.
Tell RAlph to stop calling poor and elderly people paper clips and lawn mowers. You all need to get your heads in the game because what I am hearing is that Ralph is losing!!!!!!!!!
At 10/20/2007 9:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
And, I haven't heard a coherant platform from Ralph.
What does Ralph stand for? Is he aware that every republican in the state is offering solutions for health care? Is he aware that he can't just say he will get tougher on illegal immigration but that he must say WHAT he intends to do. I have seen Breiner on the news talking about law enforcement, health care, jobs, education and illigal immigration. Your ad says that Breiner will give us loose laws on immigration. Are you aware that Breiner already has an ad out talking about illegal immigration?
I am worried and I am getting frustrated. Ralph Smith looks foolish and out of touch. You guys need to stop messing around and really hit Breiner with something that sounds like you actually fact-checked. Remember, boys, there is no "Mac" in this race. Ralph will not win with 33%. Work a little harder!
At 10/21/2007 3:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh yes. I saw a report out on Saturday about Breiner's stand on illegal immigration. It states that he wants to provide in-state tuition to illegals. That would mean that my child could be kept from attending a state university because her space has been taken by someone who is breaking the law!
You know, I just don't think Breiner's stand on illegals is going to gain much support here in the 22nd!
At 10/21/2007 3:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
And one other thing, Dr. Breiner...if you have the "Right Prescription" and are truly one of the greatest intellectuals of the 20th century, why would you lie and say 75% of full-time workers are WITHOUT health insurance? Don't try to say that was just a typo. You said it in two different publications AND on your website. Now, who needs to do their fact-checking?
At 10/21/2007 9:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
The latest information I've seen now shows Breiner's soft on crime, soft on illegals, big on government, and totally devoid of conscience.
He says he not a party person, but his actions show otherwise. I had hoped for better.
At 10/21/2007 9:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey anon 9:04, I mean Ralph, shouldn't you be in church somewhere this morning?
At 10/21/2007 9:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
If you have that information about Breiner, than you should cite it and put it out there. From what I have seen on tv, Ralph's ad is just what Raiph thinks Breiner will do. There is no citation. Unlike Breiner's ad, Ralph Smith just makes claimes.
I am just trying to help your candidate, anon 3:15. Ralph has been laying in the weeds and know he looks silly, compaining about negative ads when he is running them too. And his ad has no citation? You guys are in the Bush Leagues.
How would you even know that Breiner was soft on anything? HE HAS NEVER HELD OFFICE BEFORE!
Ralph Smith has a record and you guys are publicizing it without do the heavy work of introducing the voters to the better side of Smith. That is what profssionals call a lossing proposition. You can't just expect people to show and vote for Ralph. He is not well liked in this area. But I am sure you know that because you fact/fantasy check.
By the way, like in your campaign stuff, I haven't heard a clear platform for smith. Is he just running as Not Mike Breine?
At 10/21/2007 3:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ralph is running on his record as Mayor of Roanoke City. I repeat, Roanoke City--does that not seem funny to anyone else?
OK Mr. Mayor, tell me specifically what you did during your tenure as Mayor? Fighting Democrats and the Roanoke Times isn't going to cut it. We the voters expect more specifics. Surely you can come up with something better than "regional cooperation". If you were doing such a great job, please tell us why you didn't seek re-election? I've never heard you really answer that question. Yes, you would have lost, but shouldn't you have at least tried?
Mr. Mayor, why did you call Brandon Bell a monster in the primary? Why didn't you cite a single source for your attacks? I think your next press conference should be a detailed explanation of that attack piece. Prove to the voters that you weren't just making it up. We want to see the votes to prove your accusations. Prove those that are calling you a liar wrong.
Mr. Mayor, don't you think it's a bit hypocritical to now criticize Breiner for a "negative campaign"? You may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but you've got a lot of nerve.
Ralph, I don't believe you did anything positive as Mayor. That's why you didn't run for re-election. And in this campaign, I have yet to hear you offer specific solutions to any of the many problems we face. Sure, you say the right things--you are conservative, you hate Mexicans, you are efficient, you hate taxes. I think the voters of the 22nd District deserve more than that.
Mr. Mayor, you are nothing but a sound byte in a cheap suit.
At 10/21/2007 7:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know, you should really slow down a bit and learn to type. I'm really surprised that an "outstanding intellectual of the 20th century" would even keep you around with typing this bad. But, who knows, you might still have the photographic evidence of Breiner's earlier life.
There you go again, misrepresenting the truth. Show me any document published or distributed by Ralph Smith where he calls Brandon Bell a monster. You can't. It doesn't exist. Again, slow down and read the words on the page of the postcard. "Ten monsterous deceptions" is a long way from calling an individual a monster.
You guys have no message, no plan, no record except for being the worst negative ad makers in the state. The people of the 22nd are disgusted by your behavior, your lies and misrepresentation, and soon you will get their message. I don't think you're going to enjoy it.
At 10/21/2007 7:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Por favor, me muestra donde dijo Ralph que odia a los Mexicanos.
Es mentira!
At 10/21/2007 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Call it what you want. Ralph called Bell a monster. Talk about disgusting.
At 10/21/2007 7:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am not supporting Breiner but, anon 7:12, Breiner has articulated a message: He stands for health care - obviously -, he stands for jobs - of some kind - and he wants to change the SOL's. I also think I saw him on the news talking about helping to fix transportation; oh, and something about the abuser fees. That ad also said something about Breiner wanting to "get a grip on illegal immigration."
And, anon 7:12, I received the mailer about Brandon Bell. It does exist! And all the other republicans you guys mailed that piece too are pissed. I think that Ralph should have thought twice about trying to claim the moral high ground. I would also like to question your startegy of attacking a DOCTOR!!!!!!! Ralph Smith is going to cost us the majority!!!!! You guys need to get better at this, and I don't mean quoting Regan.
At 10/21/2007 7:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
The sad part about it is that you and your campaign seem to revel in it. The electorate cannot believe anything coming from you or your puppeteers in Richmond.
Don't ignor the message from our latino friend. It's for you.
At 10/21/2007 8:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Many in Republican circles are saying the Senate majority rests on this race. This is a 60-40 Republican district and the State Party is worried that Ralph is going to lose! He is the only candidate that could actually lose this seat to a Democrat.
He called Bell a monster in the primary--alienating half the Republican base. You can't win doing that.
Say hello to Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw. And say thanks to Ralph Smith.
At 10/21/2007 8:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
READ MY LIPS: Show me anywhere Smith calls Bell a MONSTER. It didn't happen! If you could read, you would know the truth. Oh, but the truth is not what you're after.
Breiner needs to get a grip on illegal immigration, but it WON'T happen giving in-state tuition to the illegals like he wants to do. What's his plan for funding all of the give-aways he's promised to every special interest group he addresses? He has no experience in government and no knowledge of the costs of all of his freebies.
Even if I made a Doctor's salary, I would NOT support the kinds of tax increases necessary to fund Breiner's ill-conceived view for BIG government. Breiner is just another gift from the party that has given us John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, and the author of Breiner's health plan--Hillary Clinton. No thanks, Mike. You'd better just stick to doing your "enhancement" surgeries.
At 10/21/2007 8:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
There is nothing more fake--than a PLASTIC SURGEON.
At 10/21/2007 8:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
I suppose making fun of Breiner as a plastic surgeon is fair game. But as far as I know, he had to go to medical school just like every other MD. While we are on the topic of education, do you where/when Ralph graduated from High School?
If you had actually seen the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde piece you would understand why people are saying Ralph called Bell a monster--it's because he did. Ralph probably has some extra copies in his car or around his house. Ask him for one.
At 10/21/2007 9:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Speaking of taxpayer's money, I just saw Breiner's latest mail piece.
As Roanoke City Mayor, Ralph abused his cell phone and travel account so badly that his fellow council members canceled his phone and did away with his travel allowance.
They took away his wonder he didn't run for Mayor again. Come to think of it, that guy I saw today at the gas station pay phone could have been Ralph.
At 10/21/2007 9:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 8:11:
Do you think that your shrill, over reactions to reasonable questions and honest observations of Ralph SMith are the way to win votes.
To my knowledge, Breiner has not said anything about giving tuition to illigal immigrants. If you have proof please provide us with it. There are a few of us on here who would like to support Smith. But, if liek Ralph's ad where there is no citation, I have to tell you there is no legs to it.
If Ralph Smith has something he should produce it and put it out. No offense, but I am not prepared to take your word for it: You seem a little out of control.
At 10/22/2007 6:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Glad to provide you the documentation. In the October 22, 2007 isse of the "Catholic Virginian" you will find the results of a survey sent to all General Assembly candidates by the Virginia Catholic Conference. That group is comprised of both Catholic dioceses in Virginia.
In that questionaire, Breiner states he supports "permitting undocumented immigrant children to receive in-state tuition at Virginia's public colleges and universities."
The same document shows that Ralph Smith opposes granting in-state tuition to illegals.
There is my documentation. I'm still waiting for you to show me where Smith called Bell a "Monster". As another of your party members, Adlai Stevenson, once said, "I'll wait until hell freezes over" because that fact is IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. You are an unprincipled person who will spin all the lies you think people will believe to try to get your guy elected. As Smith said, "have you no sense of decency?"
At 10/22/2007 6:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
You can also access this information online at:
Everybody, be ready for Breiner's attempt to spin his support for illegals. He's cut from the same mold as Bill "depends on the meaning of the word 'is'" Clinton.
At 10/22/2007 6:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Doesn't Breiner claim to be a Catholic? Do you suppose he would tell them one thing and then say another to people of other faiths? We need a "rock-solid" senator who will tell the truth. That man is Ralph Smith!
At 10/22/2007 7:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can't open the link. If I could get into it I will make some fliers and spread them around about Loosey Goosey Breiner.
Anything else that would look good on a flier, send it over. I would love to hit this guy!
At 10/22/2007 8:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Guys, why don't you stop the he said / he said crap.
Lets take a look at what Senate Democratic leader Dick Saslaw said the other day in the Washington Post.
Minority Leader Richard L. Saslaw (D-Fairfax), Mary Margaret Whipple (D-Arlington), the Democratic Caucus chairman, Patricia S. Ticer (D-Alexandria) and Janet D. Howell (D-Fairfax) also could be in line to lead committees, meaning Northern Virginia Democrats could set the agenda in the coming years on such crucial topics as controlling growth and development, redrawing political district lines after the next census and recalculating school aid formulas to benefit the region.
"If we win, Northern Virginia's power is enhanced greatly," said Saslaw, who is likely to become the Senate majority leader if Democrats take over. "If it stays in Republican hands, we end up with zero influence."
Southwest Virginia is an income receiver in public education. If we take Dick Saslaw at his word state funding for public education and transportation will be cut. As the Northern Virginians like to say, we have all the money in the world we just spend it in the wrong places.
Save our public education and vote for Ralph Smith.
Ghost of Alexander Hamilton
At 10/22/2007 8:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Try this link:
Click on access for the Diocese of Richmond (in second paragraph.) Then, scroll down for the results.
You'll see Breiner is soft on illegals and he's soft on other criminals. But he's BIG on spending!! Unfortunately, it's YOUR tax money.
At 10/22/2007 8:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
If Bell was our nominee, we wouldn't be having this conversation about Saslaw. Republicans would not be worried about holding the seat--as they are now. Thanks a lot Ralph!
At 10/22/2007 3:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
I just got mail that says when Ralph Smith was Mayor of Roanoke his cell phone and travel expenses were cut off because he was spending so much.
On the front is a picture of cups and Kool-Aid. Has anyone else seen this piece?
At 10/22/2007 3:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, I saw it! I can't believe Council had to cut his phone off and eliminate his travel allowance. Ralph is always preaching about getting rid of government waste but it looks like he was part of the problem in Roanoke City.
You know what they say Ralph--Actions speak louder than words.
At 10/24/2007 6:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, this blog has gotten the poor liberal wackos worked into a frenzy. Breiner has no clue to what SW VA needs as far as jobs, education and infrastructure. He is a sure yes man vote for the Northern VA crowd just like Bell was. Oh, BTW on the "monster" diatribe. The analogy wasn't monster centric but the Jekyl/Hyde issues flip flops he had. He lost the primary because he was seen as a sure loss to any challenger. Even the unproven Breiner would have beaten him. Ralph Smith brings name recognition, independent thinking and a can do attitude. I'm sure you Breiner cool aid drinkers are seething over Ollie North's visit yesterday. I can hardly wait until Breiner brings in his big guns and "toes the party line". Let's see, I'll bet you bring in the sketchy, "maccaca boy" Jim Webb. Now that's a stalwart, piece of work VA senator that somehow sneeked in-NOT!!
At 10/24/2007 8:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am not sure what you are talking about? Jim Webb is not left. As a moderate republican and a fan of law and order, Oliver North does not inspire me to vote for Ralph. Any candidate who is backed by a convicted fellon, and treason of all things, is not my candidate.
I guess you can be proud but if you haven't read the paper, or watched the news, you guys let Breiner tie you to Bush, Cheney and all the other far-right wing-nuts. Good luck appealing to moderates. The more I see Ralph, the more I like Breiner.
At 10/24/2007 1:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think it's funny that Ralph believes he has more name ID than incumbent Bell. Ralph was the Mayor of Roanoke City, none of which is in this District. Granted, Ralph did receive a lot of negative media coverage. I guess bad press is better than no press.
Let's see, what's next. Independent thinking and a "can do attitude". I doubt independent is a word very often associated with Ralph Smith. Right wing nut, yes. Independent, no. I don't even know what to say about "can do attitude". It's just funny. Maybe Ralph will use that in is commercials--we can only hope.
Anyone with a lick of political sense knows that Bell would not be in a political tailspin as Ralph is right now. Ralph is on the cusp of losing one of the most Republican seats in Virginia. Polls from both sides have this race dead even or Ralph slightly losing.
It looks like Ralph Smith will give Democrats the Senate majority they crave. Thanks Ralph!
At 10/24/2007 3:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Smith campaign unhinged....
At 10/24/2007 4:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who is Mike Breiner, where does he hail from, why is a plastic surgeon running for a state senate position, what public service experience (non medical), what does he know about Southwest VA and that there is a part of the state not accessed by I-66. Answer me those my lefty friends?
At 10/24/2007 5:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, Hey! Wait a minute. Breiner must not hail from around here. I heard him give a talk in Vinton today when he mentioned "Gus HICKS" as the road he was on. He doesn't even know that GUS NICKS was the honored, and now-deceased, mayor of Vinton. But Wait, do you suppose Breiner's words were really a slip and really reveals what he thinks of us Vintonites?
Is he calling us HICKS?
At 10/24/2007 6:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a supporter of Ralph I must apologize for the poor soul who left the previous post, he needs help and I pray he gets it soon.
***Webmaster*** Please remove the 5:20 post to maintain a standard we can all enjoy.
At 10/24/2007 6:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
I guess Breiner occasionally mispronounces a word. Sounds like the guy in the Oval office.
Come on, this is lame. Breiner isn't calling anyone from Vinton hicks. Even Ralph wouldn't do something that stupid.
And to Anom 5:20 - Shameful
At 10/25/2007 6:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
The Ralph Smith campaign is upset and deeply troubled by the words posted at 5:20 pm on 10/24/2007. That kind of talk has no place in decent society, and certainly is not representative of the Gospel message we profess. We completely disavow any involvement, complicity or encouragement in the authorship of that posting and we call on the Mike Breiner campaign to do the same.
At 10/25/2007 8:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Mabry,
I am glad to hear that Ralph does not approve of the statement. However, how do you know that the Breiner campaign reads this blog? If he doesn't respond in this forum, would you argue that he agrees with the statement? I think that would be unfair and hope you won't do it.
At 10/25/2007 3:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Anonymous 8:45 AM:
I have personally sent Dr. Breiner (via his private e-mail account) a copy of the offending statement, as well as my own response. I hope he will now soon provide a reply on this blog.
At 10/25/2007 9:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
I spoke with Dr. Breiner, in person, this evening about this matter. He was indeed already aware of the situation. From our conversation, I believe we will hear from him shortly.
At 10/26/2007 1:43 PM,
GOPHokie said…
Folks, comments like 5:20 are outrageous and do not add anything to the discourse of a post.
I apologize for not getting it deleted sooner; but I just got to my computer.
At 10/26/2007 9:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks gophokie for removing the trash. Most all of us agree with you and the spokesperson for the Smith campaign that comments like 5:20's are only uncalled for, but also crossed the line of civilized discourse. Why have we not yet heard from Dr. Breiner on this matter? Some folks are saying that 5:20 came from his campaign. Dr. B, where are you?
At 10/27/2007 7:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
I still have yet to here how the good Doc will use his experance to help the 22nd. Maybe give out new boobs or what????
At 10/27/2007 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dr. Breiner, are you going to repudiate the disgusting posting or not? Smith's people have done so and your delay casts a suspicious eye on you and your campaign.
At 10/29/2007 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
What's disgusting is how the Smith Campaign (and we know Mr. Mabry is part of the Smith campaign) is now trying to imply that Dr. Breiner was behind the anti-semitic post.
The post was by a supporter of Ralph Smith!!!!!!! What about that don't you understand????
Shame on you for using it to attack Breiner.
But, if you read the previous posts, some of us saw this coming days ago. Mr. Mabry, I am sorry to see that I was right about what your campaign would do. Shameful.
At 10/29/2007 12:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Disgusted-The Breiner camp is really imploding all over w/ his smear advertising falsehoods being laughable. What's next "Ralph Smith caused the Mill Mountain star to go dim"? Your typical Dem "victim mentality" above where you blame the Smith campaign is so telling of how Briener needs to do his due diligence in the community before trying for State level spot.
At 10/29/2007 3:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 12:34 - Your post doesn't make much sense, but I think I understand what you were trying to say.
I agree with you on one point. The Star was a bit dimmer when the Mayor lived below it. Things have certainly brightened up since Ralphie moved to Botetourt.
At 11/07/2007 6:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Told ya!
At 11/07/2007 4:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ralph's an uneducated fool. A lucky fool, but a fool just the same.
Ralph certainly underperformed Bell who won the seat by 14 points in 2003. Ralph won with less than 2 points.
But a win is a win. Now Ralph has 4 years to say stupid things, demonstrate his lack of understanding of all but the most basic legislation and be a general embarrassment to SW Virginia.
But wait, we all know how the story ends. After all, we did watch Ralph as Mayor.
I might be embarrassed, but at least I know I am in for a good laugh!
At 11/07/2007 5:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey "looking forward to a good laugh". A truly funny scenario would've been if Breiner would've won and we could be entertained watching him for 4 years with Dickie Cranwell's hand up his butt as the Vinton puppetmaster. Now that's funny. Get over it, Ralph will be better for SW VA. Start planning to do something w/ all the tax savings Ralph will give us vs Bell or Breiner going to Richmond and marching to the NO VA drumbeat of higher taxes for non SW VA projects.
At 11/07/2007 9:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Let's see now...Ralph's lucky.
1. He was lucky that he was in a three-way race for mayor because he couldn't have won if there were only two candidates.
2. He was lucky when he unseated a sitting senator with all manner of endorsements and three times the financial resources.
3. He was lucky again when he defeated an annointed of Sir Dickie even though the DPVA poured in hundreds of thousands of dollars into the race and his opponent out spent him almost four to one.
Now after the second or third lucky time, one has to begin thinking that there might be something more than luck going on here. This guy has never lost an election and has exhibited the ability to win even when his detractors said he couldn't possibly win. I would suggest that what we're seeing in Smith is competence and consistency, rather than luck! What we're seeing is...Senator Smith going to Richmond!
At 11/08/2007 4:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Several observations.
One, neither one of you addressed the issue of Ralph being an uneducated fool. I am glad we can agree on something.
Two, Ralph is lucky. That's the only way to explain it. Ask just about anyone what word comes to mind when thinking about Ralph's Senate campaign. The one I most often heard was incompetence. This is coming from Republicans who were supporting Ralph!
Three, I am anxious to see what taxes Ralph cuts in Richmond.
Based on the campaigns he has run, Ralph can only be successful if he cuts ALL of my State taxes. If he hates taxes as much as he says, then damn it, cut them all. The voters will expect nothing less.
And when the budget increases and Ralph isn't successful in cutting any taxes, we can mount a campaign to unseat Ralph Smith--"Mr. Tax and Spend".
And just because I can't long before the general public realizes they elected a man that didn't even attend much less graduate from high school to the State Senate! I dare say Ralph's "shortcomings" (and I am not referring to his height) will come to light in due time.
At 11/08/2007 4:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
To quote Chris Rock....
"Dropped out of school- got myself a GED- u know waht that is? it stands for a Good.Enough.Deploma.
Only college you can go to witha GED is a community college- you know why that is? They be lettin all kinds of people in- crack head,prostututes,drug dealers-COME ON IN!!!
At 11/08/2007 4:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 11/08/2007 8:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Whoah! I do believe a nerve has been struck w/ you sore losers. Education is meaningless unless applied correctly. Ever hear of Samuel Clements (aka Mark Twain for you misguided Dems), his famous admonition to "never let school interfere with your education", speaks volumes and illustrates so well that in most cases PhD is Piled high and Deep. Remember, Ralph was twice cited by The Roanoker magazine for his effectiveness and that same tenacity will serve him and us well in Richmond. As for taxes increasing, that's reserved for the 21 Socialist on the left side of the Senate, so channel your "unseating" energies there. Oh how sweet this victory is.
At 11/09/2007 7:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
That's cool. I would relish in the victory too if it were me. But enjoy it while it lasts. It won't be long before Ralph is exposed for the fraud he is.
By the way, does Ralph realize that he will actually have to READ the bills in Richmond?? I hope you are not the one that has to break that news to him!
At 11/09/2007 7:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
To Mr. Know-It-All,
There is absolutely no disagreement that education IS important. That said, I contend that where you are coming up short is in recognizing that a piece of paper does not guarantee that an education has been obtained. Such near-do-wells like Thomas Edison (remember him?) did not graduate from anywhere. To suggest that he, or anyone else, is a bumbling idiot without his/her degree certainly calls to question your own intellect. You seem to enjoy questioning the worth of individuals with a holier-than-thou attitude. Such eliteism is pathetic.
In closing, I have just one more thing to call to your attention--You can't ignore the fact that Smith is the one going to Richmond--even when you guys threw away hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to buy this race. RESULTS say it was not Smith who had the ineffective campaign!
Enjoy your crow.
At 11/09/2007 9:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mark Twain would most certainly be a challenge for anyone with a 4th grade reading level. That being said, I doubt Mr. Smith is familiar with Twain's writings.
Having an education probably has little to do with making trailer hitches, which Ralph was successful doing. However, a State Senator will be required to read and comprehend legislation. That I fear, may give Mr. Smith some trouble. Enjoy your one term!
At 11/09/2007 5:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
So now you're a reading diagnostician. Hey, you guys are the end-all. You act as if you have a Ph.D. in EVERYTHING. No wonder you associated yourself with an "Outstanding Intellectual of the 20th Century."
But look at it this way, now that your team LOST the election, you guys will have more time to sit around and discuss Hegel's "Theory of the Dialectic" or "Hillarycare" or any other mental exercise your choose as you plot to screw up and obstruct the serious issues facing Virginians. GET OVER IT!! YOU LOST, AND YOU'RE A VERY POOR LOSER!!!
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