I did not expect the night to go like this.
Walter Stosch and Emmett Hanger won their races, but by much closer margins than I expected.
Trisha Stall defeated Marty Williams, which wasn't 100% unexpected, but still wasn't predicted by very many.
The biggest upset of the night goes to Ralph Smith. I don't know of anyone who predicted that he would win, especially since turnout was reasonable. His staff and campaign should be commended on their unbelievable job.
Now we must all circle the wagons and take on the dems in November. The Senate is gonna be very tough to defend.
Walter Stosch and Emmett Hanger won their races, but by much closer margins than I expected.
Trisha Stall defeated Marty Williams, which wasn't 100% unexpected, but still wasn't predicted by very many.
The biggest upset of the night goes to Ralph Smith. I don't know of anyone who predicted that he would win, especially since turnout was reasonable. His staff and campaign should be commended on their unbelievable job.
Now we must all circle the wagons and take on the dems in November. The Senate is gonna be very tough to defend.
At 6/12/2007 10:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
God showed us His favor tonight.
At 6/13/2007 8:59 AM,
James Atticus Bowden said…
We carried Poquoson for Tricia 60:40. All politics 'is' local.
At 6/13/2007 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Note to Marty Williams: Don't leave your wife in an election year.
The Boss
At 6/13/2007 12:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Smith said on camera some time ago that he wanted to see change in the Virginia Senate. I guess he'll get his wish now.
I'm an independent voter, but vote Republican 90% of the time. Me and my wife both voted for Bell. When November comes, I guess I'll have to pass on voting for the 22nd dist. I can't support Smith and I'm not convinced the Dems have the right man for the job either.
The hardline GOP got it's way last night and in the process upset the moderates in the party and completely allienated the independents towards the Dems.
People are complaining that Bell changed his views on issues. But public opinion changes too over the years. Any politician who's attuned to his constituents needs to vote the way we want. It's called representation! To ignore the people's change in opinions and keep your head stuck in the past (or in the sand) is called Politics!
I also heard a rumor that the Dems of Roanoke City sent their people to the polls to vote for Smith thinking he'd be better for Roanoke City if he wins in November and/or easier to beat against their candidate.
It looks like a Democratic Senate in Virginia may be on the way, and their are plenty of fingers to point as to why.
At 6/13/2007 4:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bell's district is solid GOP - they gave John Edwards all the Dem precincts in Roanoke and Montgomery Counties. Say hello to Senator Smith.
At 6/13/2007 8:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am a Republican, but I simply cannot support Smith. He and his campaign smeared a good, decent man. Like his positions or not, Bell was an honest politician. A rarity these days.
I don't think I can vote for the Democrat either. I may just have to sit this one out--the first time I have ever done that.
It is a sad day for our Republican party.
At 6/13/2007 8:31 PM,
Spank That Donkey said…
You should have come to our district more after the AFP event Hokie, and just gone along on one door to door session... You'd have been a believer.
We won the Republican Primary, we just couldn't overcome the Dems coming in to protect Emmett...
I love these guys mocking our GOTV effort....
Congrats JAB! On Smith, bet he didn't get any of the ESTABLISHMENT goodies that poured into Hanger's campaign.. Glad we could help...
At 6/13/2007 9:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's time for the Bell campaign to go home. The election is over.
Brandon Bell was beaten by an honorable man who ran an honorable, positive campaign. The Roanoke Times, of all people, exposed Bell's lack of truthfulness!
It's transparently sad that these guys can't accept defeat with any dignity. The voters knew. So do the party faithful in the 22nd.
At 6/13/2007 11:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Get a life and stop the delusion STD. You lost the Republican primary.
At 6/14/2007 12:06 AM,
Spank That Donkey said…
anonymous commenters.... err trolls... did I lose the primary? We won our primary... Heck, Scott had Hanger reading the Republican Creed in radio commercials, before it was all over....
woe wis be you Democrats if he (Hanger) actually begins to practice it.
At 6/16/2007 5:32 AM,
Unknown said…
Chris, Lynn, and Anne cannot accept that they lost. I worked the polls and there may have been some dems out but the majority were republicans who were turned off by the slander on Hanger, who they had known for years. They were very vocal about their unhappiness with what had gone on. All of the "active" Staunton committee members (except Bruce Grover and Anne T., Alex Davis is not our sec or even a member) and other volunteers were out in force, and there were very few Sayre people working at the polls so some minds were changed at the last minute. They lost big time in their republican strongholds. This pathetic ranting is very sad. With the exception of the Bush campaign where people were begging for signs etc., what election have you guys won Chris, I mean Donkey? You may go out and knock on doors but if you can’t close the deal.. YOU LOSE. Lynns talent is getting people like you to drink the kool-aid, that sound familiar?
At 6/18/2007 7:58 PM,
Spank That Donkey said…
See what we have to put up with?
At 6/23/2007 5:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bell is a sore loser. Bell claims that he would support Ralph Smith, after the Primary .But did you see the Editorial written by his wife, Debbie? What a whiney baby. wah, wah. It sounds like Debbie is not jumping to support Ralph Smith. What about Brandon? I am sure he jumps where his wife says. The Bells are arrogant and immature. Good Riddance to them.
At 6/24/2007 6:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Does anybody have an idea of how many 22nd District Democrats came out and voted for Bell? I know they were mobilizing to counter Smith and guessing the number was up there.
At 6/24/2007 6:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
How many votes did Bell get? I'd say that number would tell you pretty closely how many Dems voted for him. We (conservatives) know that we now have a Real Republican running in the 22nd District. Go, Ralph, all the way to Richmond.
At 6/24/2007 6:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Don't feel too sorry for Bell. He has Laura, after all, to console him.
At 7/12/2007 3:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
I didn't vote in the Republican primary but I was planning to vote for Smith in the fall, as I always vote for Republican candidates. After reading these nasty, mean spirited comments from Smith's supporters, I think I've changed my mind. Mr. Smith--you just lost my vote.
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