Elephant Ears

This blog is dedicated to the political happenings in the Valley and Southwest Virginia. As the the name implies, this blog will have posts based on what is heard by this elephant's (GOPer's) ears. It is also a great treat to get while at the county fair or a carnival.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The State Central Rundown

As most of you know by now, former LG John Hager was elected the new RPV Chair Saturday at the State Central Meeting. You probably even know that there were 2 ballots: the first being Charlie Judd 40, Hager 39 and Chuck Smith 2; the second was 41 Hager, 39 Judd, 1 Smith.

Also, we had to replace our Treasurer. The job seemed to be Ray Ergenbright's until about 36 hours before the race former treasurer Rick Neel threw his hat into the ring. Some reports say Neel won by a considerable margin; and my guess is that Ergenbright hadn't solidified support since he was unopposed which enabled Neel to gather alot of people.

We also had 2 district chairman effectively step down from their positions. 4th CD Chair Wayne Ozmore will resign effective July 31st to persue "other opportunities" (I think he has a new job). 5th CD Chair Tucker Watkins will also step down as a new chair is elected next week at their at convention. No apparent reason was given for that.

Lastly, I saw a few McDonnell 2009 bumper stickers on various cars at the meeting. It looks like McDonnell is already starting to build a team for 2009, which is interesting since I have heard he is running for governor regardless of whether George Allen runs or not.

Tomorrow I will have a post on the intra-party effects on the elections Saturday.


  • At 7/23/2007 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad to see your back blogging on GOP happenings.

    What did you think of Cordell Hull's oped in the Times Dispatch on a possible Allen / Warner governship part 2? I thought he was right on target.

    What about Jeff Shapiro's article Sunday on GOP Kremlinology?
    Amusing, but what party doesn't have that sense of manuevering.



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