The Road to Minority
Since election day, everyone seems to think they have the answers to why the GOP lost the State Senate and continues to bleed seats in the House of Delegates. Our friends at VCAP and their supporters argue its b/c the GOP isn't conservative enough. Their evidence for this arguement is that "RINO" Devolites-Davis lost while conservative Cuccinelli won. They also cite Karen Schultz running "a smart campaign by adopting traditionally conservative positions on gun rights, the right to life, and taxes" in her loss to Jill Holtzman-Vogel as proof that being conservative wins.
Our friends on the other side of the aisle claim the opposite. They claim the GOP has gotten too conservative and their evidence is the loss of Tricia Stall and the weak showings for Jill Vogel and Ralph Smith in their GOP heavy districts.
This isn't that surprising. After all, every group is naturally going to think they aren't the reason for losing. The key I think to this arguement is not whether conservativism wins; but what "conservatism" really is.
It is a proven fact that areas like NOVA are in fact pro-choice, pro-gun control and pro-higher taxes (depending on the reason). So how did Ken Cuccinelli win? The Dems must be wrong. But wait, Tricia Stall lost a race in a straight GOP district; and Ralph Smith squeaked by in a solid GOP leaning district that favors guns, lower taxes and babies. The VCAPers must be wrong too huh?
I propose that conservativism does win, but it has to be implemented correctly.
In order to win, conservatism has to be a true limited government platform. We can be socially conservative, but we have to be more than that. We have to oppose spending increases and look for ways to streamline government. We have to assess government like a business and run it as such. Opposing taxes isn't the key, its ensuring that the taxes we are already paying are being properly used. Then if we don't need all of it, we can cut taxes and return that money to the people.
The GOP is currently suffering from a contradictory stance on our economic policy. We favor "limited government", but have grown the budget more than the dems. The problem is that the GOP isn't the party of limited government, its the party of lower taxes. That is a problem b/c without less spending, you can't lower taxes but so much. The public knows that roads need to be built and schools need to be funded, and contantly cutting taxes without cutting spending cannot continue indefinitely.
In a related issue, some aren't even opposed to taxes. Stall and Smith ousted their opponents largely on their support of the '04 tax increase, but neither of those (or any of the other primary challengers) campaigned on trying to roll back that tax increase. How can you expect the general electorate to believe you, when you don't even oppose the one thing you are accusing your primary opponent of doing?
Now that I have bashed the VCAP crowd and the general GOP, the Dems aren't right either. They are simply resting on the failures of the GOP in their victories. They aren't winning so much as we are losing.
They will not really be "moderate" when they get in power either. The best example of this is the concept of non-partisan redistricting. Sen. Deeds has constantly tried to get that to pass, but now incoming Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw has said that issue will not be a big concern for his party anymore. Shocking; the dems wanted non-partisan redistricting as long as they had no say in the current system; but now want the system to stay the same since they can control it. This is exactly how I think they will operate in many other issues once they are in charge. Its not a shot at their people, its largely just a natural progression.
When you are trying to win, you are all on the same team fighting the enemy. Once you achieve power, you have to fight amongst yourselves to figure out which way to run things.
Obviously, many of you will disagree with my theory here; but I am interested in seeing how everyone else sees the results of the elections a few weeks ago.
Our friends on the other side of the aisle claim the opposite. They claim the GOP has gotten too conservative and their evidence is the loss of Tricia Stall and the weak showings for Jill Vogel and Ralph Smith in their GOP heavy districts.
This isn't that surprising. After all, every group is naturally going to think they aren't the reason for losing. The key I think to this arguement is not whether conservativism wins; but what "conservatism" really is.
It is a proven fact that areas like NOVA are in fact pro-choice, pro-gun control and pro-higher taxes (depending on the reason). So how did Ken Cuccinelli win? The Dems must be wrong. But wait, Tricia Stall lost a race in a straight GOP district; and Ralph Smith squeaked by in a solid GOP leaning district that favors guns, lower taxes and babies. The VCAPers must be wrong too huh?
I propose that conservativism does win, but it has to be implemented correctly.
In order to win, conservatism has to be a true limited government platform. We can be socially conservative, but we have to be more than that. We have to oppose spending increases and look for ways to streamline government. We have to assess government like a business and run it as such. Opposing taxes isn't the key, its ensuring that the taxes we are already paying are being properly used. Then if we don't need all of it, we can cut taxes and return that money to the people.
The GOP is currently suffering from a contradictory stance on our economic policy. We favor "limited government", but have grown the budget more than the dems. The problem is that the GOP isn't the party of limited government, its the party of lower taxes. That is a problem b/c without less spending, you can't lower taxes but so much. The public knows that roads need to be built and schools need to be funded, and contantly cutting taxes without cutting spending cannot continue indefinitely.
In a related issue, some aren't even opposed to taxes. Stall and Smith ousted their opponents largely on their support of the '04 tax increase, but neither of those (or any of the other primary challengers) campaigned on trying to roll back that tax increase. How can you expect the general electorate to believe you, when you don't even oppose the one thing you are accusing your primary opponent of doing?
Now that I have bashed the VCAP crowd and the general GOP, the Dems aren't right either. They are simply resting on the failures of the GOP in their victories. They aren't winning so much as we are losing.
They will not really be "moderate" when they get in power either. The best example of this is the concept of non-partisan redistricting. Sen. Deeds has constantly tried to get that to pass, but now incoming Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw has said that issue will not be a big concern for his party anymore. Shocking; the dems wanted non-partisan redistricting as long as they had no say in the current system; but now want the system to stay the same since they can control it. This is exactly how I think they will operate in many other issues once they are in charge. Its not a shot at their people, its largely just a natural progression.
When you are trying to win, you are all on the same team fighting the enemy. Once you achieve power, you have to fight amongst yourselves to figure out which way to run things.
Obviously, many of you will disagree with my theory here; but I am interested in seeing how everyone else sees the results of the elections a few weeks ago.
At 11/18/2007 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think you're right that limited or less government has to still meet the needs of people. That can be done without building yet another Soviet-style bureaucracy and handing more power to government. But there is something else.
The GOP has got to get in the game. In all too many places we simply did not execute the basics -- voter id, poll coverage, GOTV. In most of Fairfax it simply did not exist. It's time to push out the consultancy class and get back to basics. Build a real party, try to put the differences over social issues aside and work as a team. That is lesson Ken Cuccinelli taught this year. It is one the GOP as a whole, both in Virginia and nationally, better learn fast.
At 11/18/2007 6:21 PM,
Karen Duncan said…
My one disagreement with your excellent analysis has nothing to do with the main point, which I think is on target.
But to claim that the Democrats won't be moderate and use as an example of a double standard the fact that Creigh Deeds supported non-partisan redistricting and Dick Saslaw brushed it aside as not important is unfair.
Creigh Deeds and Dick Saslaw are two separate individuals. Deeds may still support non partisan or bi partisant redistricting as do many Democrats. Dick Saslaw never claimed to be a supporter of that. And many Democrats agree with him.
Just as not all Republicans agree on every issue, neither do all Democrats. That hardly makes Deeds or Saslaw hypocrites. That also doesn't mean all Democrats have a double standard. All Democrats don't agree on this issue.
At 11/18/2007 7:24 PM,
Staff said…
An interesting take, but I think that you, like most of the GOP, are still mired in issues of ideology. You are searching for the right ideology, the right mix of issues that you think will bring you victory.
Voters aren't searching for issues: they want results.
What the Democratic Party has been doing through the executive branch is deliver effective government. The Democratic Party of Virginia is about getting things done--things like solutions to transportation, better education, and hopefully, better healthcare.
The Republican Party of Virginia is becoming more and more irrelevant because of its focus on ideology to the exclusion of effective government.
While Mark Warner fought for a balanced budget, and Jim Webb fights for veterans, and Tim Kaine fights for better transportation and better education, the Republican Party of Virginia sits around and debates how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
Virginians demand results and the Republican Party of Virginia is just a debating society.
At 11/18/2007 7:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
"How did Ken Cuccinelli win?" He won because those of us who were delegates to the Tenth Congressional District Convention and whose votes he tried to throw out, held our noses and voted for him. We were determined to save the seat for the Republicans regardless of him and the dumb rock who was his opponent.
Cuccinelli need not strut around nor crow about his election victory because he only won by the skin of his teeth(our votes). With his attitude, this is as far as he should go in the party. He is not a team player unless he is the captain and it is played his way.
Compromise is not a word he understands.
He owes us and we will collect should he prevail in the recount.
At 11/18/2007 8:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
TRD - I enjoy comments like yours that indicate the Warner/Kaine administrations have been action oriented. Please advise us of a significant initiative either one created and pushed through the General Assembly.
The Democrats have been gifted their current status in Virginia, and that includes the Webb win and Warner's reputation. If you go back to the 2nd General Assembly session of Warner's administration, even Democrats were complaining about the hands-off nature of Warner and his lack of involvement. Call it leadership if you will, but I call it the old "lookey what I found" style of popularity.
As soon as the Republican Party gets back on message and consistent with the principles that GOP Hokie has outlined, this several year period will be a blip on the radar screen.
At 11/18/2007 8:45 PM,
GOPHokie said…
anon is a woman, the problem I illistrate with Deeds and Saslaw is one that happens anytime there is a change of party control.
For example, in 2006 most of the dem pickups in Congress were not even close to being as liberal as Nancy Pelosi. Even so, their victory gave her power.
Same thing applies in VA. People like Chap Petersen won the Senate majority for the dems, but yet people like Dick Saslaw will be in charge.
It creates a big problem ideologically once you are actually in control.
Sorry for the confusion on that. It wasnt meant to say Deeds is a hypocrite.
At 11/18/2007 9:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
My friend - the Republican party of limited government which you describe hasn't existed for at least 8 years. If you want a home for that political view, the best you'll find is being a conservative Dem.
At 11/18/2007 10:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Washington Republicans have destroyed the Republican brand. From 2002-2006 administration incompetance and corruption had only been outdone by Congressional arrogance and corruption. The K Street Project represents the ultimate in selling out your country. I will never forgive them for the Medicare Prescription Drug Program.
These "conservatives" increased government LT liabilities by $24 trillion without $1 of funding.
Last week my wife asked me where I wanted to retire. I told her I'm confident I will not be able to retire. I'll be paying for the retirement of baby boomers!
I will vote for a Republican only after they repeal the Medicare Prescription Drug Program!
At 11/19/2007 8:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good post
Problem: How to reconcile the social issue based less government less taxes areas of the state (RoVa and the House of Delegates for all intensive purposes) with the more services wanting areas of the state.
How are you supposed to win as a Republican in NoVa when the majority of citizens want higher taxes to pay for more services
Answer: Provide the services in a more efficient manor.
Example: HB 3202 though it had faults keeping the money in Northern Virginia
Moving Forward: where is the Republican counter proposal to pre-k, what is the Republican plan on the environment etc. If we continue to avoid addressing these issues and just voting No our days as a viable political party are numbered. (I really dont want Virginia to turn into Maryland)
At 11/19/2007 10:48 PM,
Reaganite said…
Excellent and (I believe) accurate post. Increasingly it seems that the true conservatives in the Commonwealth are the conservative Dems like Mark Warner and Creigh Deeds, not the bad government likes of Jim Gilmore, et als. If neither party will tell the masses they don't need all of the spending, isn't it more responsible to support the party that will actually pay for the priorities the public demands? At least that will begin the inevitable pendulum swing back to anti-tax sentiment once the public sees bogus spending being pushed (rejoice now my Dem friends, it will happen). At this point, we need the roads and only one party seems capable of facing that and other difficult choices. I am saddened that party is not the one that has been my natural home for my entire adult life.
At 11/24/2007 11:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
See also excellent comments in Road to Majority on this blog.
At 11/25/2007 6:21 PM,
Spank That Donkey said…
When you can double your state's budget in 10 years... with only one tax increase during that time it's obvious the revenue was delivered by a juiced up economy.
Juiced by the George W. Bush and Jim Gilmore tax cuts.... amazingly again tax cuts, like Reagans generated more revenue for the govt to waste...
waste on what? new road construction? nahhh, funding govt. itself, and why, because govt employees vote... bridges, roads, and airports do not...
Look at the budget, how much new revenue was spent on infrastructure? Why is it that our latest surpluses are not dedicated to transportation?
Look no further than Senate Finance Leadership to find out what is wrong with the VA GOP.....
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